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  • 官方网站发布【上实和风院】上实和风院售楼处电话:洋房 |合院|实景图|开发商线上

    发布日期:2025-01-04 10:47    点击次数:144

    上海崇明 上实和风院售楼处电话:400-886-2334(预约热线)如有问题欢迎来电咨询,专业一对一热情服务,让您用专业眼光去买房。上实和风院售楼处电话:400-886-2334【售楼热线】营销中心热线400-886-2334售楼处地址400-886-2334,本电话为开发商提供线上售楼电话,楼盘项目全面介绍(包含楼盘详情,最新房价,户型图,容积率,小区配套环境,楼盘简介,售楼处位置,户型图,交通规划,备案价,项目配套,楼盘详情,售楼处电话,最新消息,最新详情,最新进展等详情咨询)免责声明:将文章内容综合来源于网络、只作分享,版权归原作者所有!!如有侵权,请联系我们,我们第一时间处理!推出建面约80-90㎡洋房建面约148-175㎡合院!正在热销中!均价约3.12万/㎡!效果图特价房382万的天地合院能拥有怎样的美好人居?人,是诗意地栖居在大地上的。——海德格尔想要实现心中理想的岛居生活,最为重要的是一方理想的居所。预算约450万,在城央只能够到老破小,甚至在远郊也大多只能买到紧凑的三房。但在上实·和风院售楼处电话:400-886-2334【售楼处电话】,享受到的是一个实实在在、有天有地的大别墅!合院沙盘图建面约148-175㎡新中式合院,均为独门独户,上下4层空间,有露台,还有地下室,精准地契合后疫情时代下购房者的需求!建面约148㎡ 合院建面约175㎡ 合院左右滑动查看看完了户型图,一起跟随镜头,看看它究竟能带来怎样的美好人居吧!与传统住宅不同的是,两套合院均为L型布局,大面宽、短进深,能够享受更多角度的采光,在上海实际上非常罕见。上实和风院售楼处电话:400-886-2334【售楼处电话】以约148㎡合院为例,其南向空间足够方正,不被割裂。L型设计将空间聚集到一处,无论在一楼的客厅,还是在二楼的卧室,乃至在三楼的露台,俯仰之间皆是风景。站在三楼露台,俯瞰窗外,感受宅与院的亲密关系。上实和风院售楼处电话:400-886-2334【售楼处电话】来具体看看每一层的功能布局,合理完善,舒适而惬意!一层是客厅餐厅厨房,餐客分离,互不影响。上实和风院售楼处电话:400-886-2334【售楼处电话】270°生态环绕!超低密墅居生活!0.86容积率整个上海都难再现!大尺度奢阔别墅!有天有地有花园!真正的奢阔别墅生活享受!甚至上实和风院还独有生态农庄!不仅有机食物更绿色更健康!还可以真的切实体验采菊东篱下,悠然见南山!二层则采用了双卧设计,边侧次卧南接阔景阳台,尽享闲暇时光。三层主卧更是能够独享全层空间,配有独立卫生间与超大露台,尊享品质的私人生活!再来看看约175㎡合院的样板间实景。一层由客厅、餐厅、厨房组成,入户厅约3.9m面宽客厅,气派十足。二楼露台将两个卧室相连,若家中有两个孩子,各自一个卧室,共同露台一起玩耍,热闹非凡。上实和风院售楼处电话:400-886-2334【售楼处电话】三层套房设计,独享全层空间,就寝区、衣帽间、卫浴间、大露台应有尽有。此外,两套合院均附带挑高约5.2米的地下空间!可坐健身房,在家也不耽误健身,也可随心所欲改造,解锁墅居生活的各种可能。在上实·和风院售楼处电话:400-886-2334【售楼处电话】,有天有地的新中式合院,无论是作为第一居所,还是现在更为流行的假日居所,都是人们心中理想的岛居家园!城央享受不到的诗意生活在这里,触手可及!结庐在人境,而无车马喧。——陶渊明在上实·和风院售楼处电话:400-886-2334【售楼处电话】,享有的并非仅有专属的天地合院,更能听闻鸟语花香,或尽情纵观星辰大海,随时享受诗意的岛居生活。放眼上海,这样的生活可以说是难以寻觅!实景图首先,项目本身的稀缺程度不容小觑。在第四批集中供应的39盘中,仅有6盘有联列供应,供应套数也是屈指可数,仅有两盘推出的是纯联列产品,其中之一,就是上实·和风院售楼处电话:400-886-2334【售楼处电话】!上实和风院售楼处电话:400-886-2334【售楼处电话】当城央的高密度住区弊端显露,低密的距离感能带给人们更多的安全感。在“限墅令”之下,容积率1.0以下的低密地块却早已不再获批。而上实·和风院,容积率仅0.86。若用动物世界来比喻的话,0.86容积率的社区,堪称与熊猫一般稀缺!项目沙盘图更低的容积率意味着更低的天际线,更大的楼间距,更舒适的居住体验。走进上实·和风院售楼处电话:400-886-2334【售楼处电话】内部,仿佛漫步于一座江南园林,一花一草一木,活水潺潺,能让久居城市喧嚣的浮躁心灵得以憩息。实景图项目建筑外观呈新中式格调,与合院如同天作之合。整体建筑则采用坊、弄空间布局,延续上海地域文化,清幽的社区环境,契合诗意的生活体验。实景图其次,项目的开发商——上实集团,在东滩拥有整整86平方公里的土地,堪称东滩的“东道主”!上实东滩,将打造“高端医康养,生态农文旅,都市新农业”三大产业板块,筑造自然、生态、低碳、宜居的后花园。而上实·和风院售楼处电话:400-886-2334【售楼处电话】,就位于上实东滩的内部,四周的生态环境得天独厚,可以说是崇明生态岛上的景区墅居。实景图从航拍图就可以看到,项目出小区便是滨河绿化廊道,可直通约1000亩东滩生态园,其体量在整个崇明名列前茅。园区内种植了一百五十多种乔、灌、花、草及地被。四季花开,为家庭休闲、娱乐、赏花增添了美好的空间。实景图更令人喜出望外的是上实还打造了一个“开心农场”,让业主不仅享有“有机蔬果”配送入户的服务,还能拥有一块专属的农田,让“采菊东篱下,悠然见南山”的种田生活,不再是遐想。上实东滩产业园实景此外,项目周边有瑞慈花园长者社区,西侧1km是在建中的东颐疗养院,南侧约1500㎡商业即将建成,未来可以为生活提供诸多的便利。位置示意图(上图经简化处理及不按比例,图中一切资料仅供参考)最后,项目本身所处的崇明东滩,生态环境属性自然是无以复加的!上实和风院售楼处电话:400-886-2334【售楼处电话】崇明岛,作为国家第三大岛,森林覆盖率达30.5%,占上海近三分之一的森林拥有量,还有326平方公里湿地公园,以及各类等优质生态资源。在上海城区,节奏变化得很快,而在崇明,闲暇时看江水滔滔,落日时分,随心漫步于滩涂之上,也会是一番别样的体验。这里,全年空气优良天数达到94.6%,负氧离子含量1000-2000个/cm³,相当于城市公园的3-5倍!(数据来源2020.9.4上海新闻发布会)在这里,每一口的自然呼吸,仿佛都带着金秋的桂花飘香。同时,作为全球8条候鸟迁徙路线之一的崇明东滩,繁衍鸟类达312种,全国每4种鸟类就有1种在此栖息!这里还有国内仅有的与候鸟保护区相邻的湿地公园——东滩湿地公园,是整个东滩的生态屏障。反观项目的位置,向北驾驶约9公里,即可到达东滩湿地公园与崇明东滩鸟类国家级自然保护区,向西5公里可达中华鲟自然保护区,这些优质的生态资源尽在掌握之中!位置示意图(上图经简化处理及不按比例,图中一切资料仅供参考)东滩生态的优渥大家有目共睹。但既然来到东滩,为何不选一个更优解?3不止于美好的现在更拥有可期的未来提及在崇明买房,许多人认为生态不管多么得天独厚,但交通非常不便。的确,在长江隧桥尚未开通前,轮渡,是前往这座岛屿的唯一途径。而在长江隧桥开通后,崇明东滩至市区的距离已被大大拉近。只要不是节假日,这条道路都很顺畅。上实和风院售楼处电话:400-886-2334【售楼处电话】每次自驾在桥上看到风力发电机旋转的扇叶,我就觉得生活的压力被吹走了一大半。即使不开窗,也能感受到舒适的江风扑面而来。实景图如今,崇明的公共交通迎来了重磅升级,崇明势必被列入更多人的置业计划。轨交崇明线一期已经开工,届时乘坐崇明线,可直达外高桥、金桥等区域,为崇明岛的发展,提供了无限可能。同时也降低了上岛的成本!此外,北沿江高铁初步设计已正式获批。它是长三角城际铁路网的骨干线路,也是江北沿江城市与南京都市圈、上海都市圈快速直达的快捷通道。在崇明区境内,会有崇明站设立。线路及车站以初设批后稿为准,图中信息仅作示意除了交通的规划与建设以外,去年,第十届中国花博会在崇明盛大启幕,此次展览持续了43天,观光游览超212万人次。盛会向世人展示了崇明宝岛的魅力,打造“海上森林花岛”由此迎来重大机遇。花博会俯瞰图在“崇明2035”规划中,明确指出未来崇明将致力于打造“世界级生态岛”,这也意味着崇明未来不仅仅是上海的,也是国家的,更是世界的。不仅如此,在产业方面,智慧岛大数据云计算中心、5G智慧应用产业园、光明东滩源国际交流中心等项目正逐步落地。上海交通大学国际农业与生态学院、上外贤达学院二期、同济大学碳中和学院等重点高校项目的建设,也在加速推进东滩的产城融合发展。上海智慧岛数据产业园 效果图可以说,如今的崇明,早已不再是当初那个崇明了!这片土地已经吸引了不少房企和购房者前来深耕与置业。像上实、招商蛇口、仁恒、金茂等具有前瞻性的房企均已入驻崇明。去年,崇明更是有新盘触发积分制,证明市场看好崇明未来的发展和潜力。相信在规划辐射与房企添砖加瓦的双重利好之下,未来东滩整体开发完成,居于崇明的未来生活价值也随之革新!栖息一座生态岛屿听闻鸟语花香,纵观星辰大海梦想就在眼前,触手可及上实·和风院售楼处电话:400-886-2334【售楼处电话】建面约148-175㎡新中式合院抓住机会!上海崇明 上实和风院售楼处电话:400-886-2334(预约热线)如有问题欢迎来电咨询,专业一对一热情服务,让您用专业眼光去买房。上实和风院售楼处电话:400-886-2334【售楼热线】营销中心热线400-886-2334售楼处地址400-886-2334,本电话为开发商提供线上售楼电话,楼盘项目全面介绍(包含楼盘详情,最新房价,户型图,容积率,小区配套环境,楼盘简介,售楼处位置,户型图,交通规划,备案价,项目配套,楼盘详情,售楼处电话,最新消息,最新详情,最新进展等详情咨询)免责声明:将文章内容综合来源于网络、只作分享,版权归原作者所有!!如有侵权,请联系我们,我们第一时间处理!Shanghai Chongming Shangshi FengyuanSales office phone number: 400-886-2334 (appointment hotline)If you have any questions, please feel free to call us for consultation. Our professional one-on-one and enthusiastic service allows you to buy a house with a professional perspective.Shangshi Hefeng Yuan Sales Office Hotline: 400-886-2334 [Sales Hotline] Marketing Center Hotline: 400-886-2334 Sales Office Address: 400-886-2334. This phone number provides developers with online sales phone numbers, comprehensive introductions to real estate projects (including real estate details, latest house prices, layout plans, plot ratios, community supporting environment, real estate introduction, sales office location, layout plans, transportation planning, filing prices, project supporting facilities, real estate details, sales office phone numbers, latest news, latest details, latest developments, etc.)Disclaimer: The article content is sourced from the internet and is only for sharing. The copyright belongs to the original author!! If there is any infringement, please contact us and we will handle it as soon as possible!Launching western-style houses with a building area of approximately 80-90 square metersA courtyard with a building area of approximately 148-175 square meters!Hot selling!The average price is about 31200 yuan per square meter!RenderingsTian Di He Yuan with a special price of 3.82 million yuanWhat kind of beautiful living can one have?People reside poetically on the earth—— martin heideggerTo achieve the ideal island life in one's heart, the most important thing is to have an ideal residence.The budget is about 4.5 million yuan, and in the city center, one can only buy a compact three bedroom apartment, even in the suburbs. But at the sales office of Shangshi Hefengyuan, the phone number is 400-886-2334, and you can enjoy a real and spacious villa!Sand table diagram of the courtyardThe new Chinese style courtyard covers an area of approximately 148-175 square meters, all of which are single households with four floors of space, including terraces and basements, accurately meeting the needs of homebuyers in the post pandemic era!A courtyard with a building area of approximately 148 square metersA courtyard with a building area of approximately 175 square metersSwipe left and right to viewAfter reading the layout map, let's follow the camera together and see what kind of beautiful living it can bring!Unlike traditional residential buildings, both compound courtyards have an L-shaped layout, with a wide surface, short depth, and the ability to enjoy more angles of lighting, which is actually very rare in Shanghai.Sales Office Phone: 400-886-2334 [Sales Office Phone] Taking a courtyard of about 148 square meters as an example, its southbound space is square enough not to be cut. The L-shaped design brings the space together in one place, whether in the living room on the first floor, the bedroom on the second floor, or even the terrace on the third floor, with a panoramic view from above.Standing on the third floor terrace, overlooking the window, feeling the intimate relationship between the house and the courtyard.Shangshi and Fengyuan Sales Office Phone: 400-886-2334 [Sales Office Phone] Let's take a detailed look at the functional layout of each floor, reasonable and perfect, comfortable and comfortable! The first floor is the living room, dining room, and kitchen, where diners and guests are separated and do not affect each other.Sales Office Phone: 400-886-2334 [Sales Office Phone]270 ° Ecological Surrounding!Living in an ultra-low density villa!0.86 plot ratio is difficult to reproduce throughout Shanghai!Large scale luxury villa!One day, there will be land and a garden!Real luxury villa life enjoyment!Even Shangshi and Fengyuan have unique ecological farms!Not only organic food, but also greener and healthier!You can truly experience picking chrysanthemums under the eastern fence and leisurely seeing the southern mountains!The second floor adopts a double bedroom design, with side and side secondary bedrooms connected to a spacious balcony to enjoy leisure time.The three story master bedroom provides exclusive access to the entire floor space, equipped with an independent bathroom and a large terrace, allowing for a high-quality private life!Let's take a look at the real-life scene of a model room with an area of approximately 175 square meters.The first floor consists of a living room, dining room, and kitchen. The entrance hall is about 3.9m wide and the living room is full of grandeur.The second floor terrace connects two bedrooms, and if there are two children in the house, each with their own bedroom, they can play together on the terrace, creating a lively atmosphere.Sales Office Phone: 400-886-2334 [Sales Office Phone]The design of a three story suite provides exclusive full floor space, including a sleeping area, dressing room, bathroom, and large terrace.In addition, both courtyards come with an underground space with a height of approximately 5.2 meters! You can sit in the gym and not delay your workout at home. You can also customize it as you wish, unlocking various possibilities of villa life.At the sales office of Shangshi Hefengyuan, the phone number is 400-886-2334. One day, there will be a new Chinese style courtyard, whether it is the first residence or the more popular holiday residence, it is the ideal island home in people's hearts!A poetic life that cannot be enjoyed in the city centerHere, within reach!Jielu is in the human realm, without the noise of cars and horses—— Tao YuanmingAt the sales office of Shangshi Hefengyuan, the phone number is 400-886-2334. You can not only enjoy the exclusive Tiandi Heyuan, but also hear the birds singing and the fragrance of flowers, or enjoy the poetic island life at any time by admiring the stars and the sea.Looking around Shanghai, this kind of life can be said to be difficult to find!Realistic viewFirstly, the scarcity of the project itself should not be underestimated.Among the 39 units in the fourth batch of centralized supply, only 6 units were supplied in series, and the number of units supplied was also very small. Only two units launched pure series products, one of which is the sales office phone number of Shangshi Hefengyuan: 400-886-2334 [sales office phone number]!Shangshi Hefengyuan Sales Office Phone: 400-886-2334 [Sales Office Phone] When the drawbacks of high-density residential areas in the city center are exposed, the low density distance can bring people more sense of security. Under the "villa restriction order", low-density plots with a plot ratio of less than 1.0 have no longer been approved.And the plot ratio of Shangshi Hefeng Courtyard is only 0.86. If we use the animal world as a metaphor, a community with a plot ratio of 0.86 is as scarce as a panda!Project sandbox chartA lower plot ratio means a lower skyline, larger building spacing, and a more comfortable living experience.Entering the sales office of Shangshi · Hefengyuan, phone number: 400-886-2334 [sales office phone number] Internally, it feels like strolling through a Jiangnan garden, with flowers, plants, and trees, and flowing water, allowing the restless soul of those who have lived in the city for a long time to rest.Realistic viewThe appearance of the project building adopts a new Chinese style style, which is like a perfect match with the courtyard. The overall architecture adopts a layout of square and alleyway spaces, continuing Shanghai's regional culture, creating a serene community environment that aligns with a poetic living experience.Realistic viewSecondly, the developer of the project, Shangshi Group, owns a full 86 square kilometers of land in Dongtan, making it the "host" of Dongtan!Shangshi Dongtan will create three major industrial sectors: high-end medical and health care, ecological agriculture, cultural tourism, and urban new agriculture, to build a natural, ecological, low-carbon, and livable backyard.And the sales office phone number of Shangshi Hefengyuan is 400-886-2334, located inside Shangshi Dongtan. The surrounding ecological environment is unique and can be said to be a scenic villa on Chongming Ecological Island.Realistic viewFrom the aerial photos, it can be seen that the project is located right next to the riverside green corridor, which can directly lead to about 1000 acres of Dongtan Ecological Park. Its size ranks among the top in the entire Chongming area.More than 150 types of trees, shrubs, flowers, grass, and ground cover have been planted in the park. Flowers bloom all year round, adding a beautiful space for family leisure, entertainment, and flower appreciation.Realistic viewWhat's even more exciting is that Shangshi has created a "Happy Farm", allowing homeowners not only to enjoy the service of "organic vegetable and fruit" delivery to their homes, but also to have an exclusive farmland, making the farming life of "picking chrysanthemums under the eastern fence and leisurely seeing the southern mountains" no longer a fantasy.Realistic view of Shangshi Dongtan Industrial ParkIn addition, the project is surrounded by the Ruici Garden Elderly Community. 1km to the west is the under construction Dongyi Sanatorium, and approximately 1500 square meters of commercial space to the south is about to be completed, which can provide many conveniences for daily life in the future.Location diagram(The above figure has been simplified and not scaled. All information in the figure is for reference only.)Finally, the ecological and environmental attributes of the Chongming East Beach, where the project is located, are naturally unparalleled!Sales office phone number: 400-886-2334 [Sales office phone number] Chongming Island, as the third largest island in the country, has a forest coverage rate of 30.5%, accounting for nearly one-third of Shanghai's forest ownership. It also has 326 square kilometers of wetland parks and various high-quality ecological resources.In the urban area of Shanghai, the rhythm changes very fast, while in Chongming, it will be a different experience to watch the surging river in leisure time and stroll on the mudflat at sunset.Here, the number of days with good air quality throughout the year reaches 94.6%, and the negative oxygen ion content is 1000-2000/cm ³, Equivalent to 3-5 times the size of a city park! Here, every breath of nature seems to carry the fragrance of osmanthus in autumn.Meanwhile, as one of the eight migration routes for migratory birds worldwide, Chongming Dongtan has a breeding population of 312 bird species, with one out of every four bird species residing here in the country! There is also the only wetland park in China adjacent to the migratory bird protection zone - Dongtan Wetland Park, which serves as the ecological barrier for the entire Dongtan.Looking at the location of the project, driving north for about 9 kilometers will lead to Dongtan Wetland Park and Chongming Dongtan Bird National Nature Reserve, while driving west for 5 kilometers will lead to the Chinese Sturgeon Nature Reserve. These high-quality ecological resources are all under control!Location diagram(The above figure has been simplified and not scaled. All information in the figure is for reference only.)The ecological benefits of Dongtan are evident to all. But since we have arrived at Dongtan, why not choose a better solution?threeNot just the beautiful presentMore promising futureWhen it comes to buying a house in Chongming, many people believe that no matter how unique the ecology is, transportation is very inconvenient. Indeed, before the opening of the Yangtze River Tunnel and Bridge, ferries were the only way to reach this island.After the opening of the Yangtze River Tunnel and Bridge, the distance from Chongming Dongtan to the urban area has been greatly shortened. As long as it's not a holiday, this road is very smooth.Sales office phone number: 400-886-2334 [Sales office phone number] Every time I see the rotating blades of a wind turbine on a bridge while driving, I feel that half of the pressure of life has been blown away. Even without opening the window, you can still feel the comfortable river breeze blowing towards you.Realistic viewNowadays, public transportation in Chongming has undergone a significant upgrade, and Chongming is bound to be included in more people's housing plans.The first phase of the rail transit Chongming Line has started construction, and by taking the Chongming Line, you can directly reach areas such as Waigaoqiao and Jinqiao, providing unlimited possibilities for the development of Chongming Island. At the same time, it also reduces the cost of going to the island!In addition, the preliminary design of the North Yangtze River high-speed railway has been officially approved. It is the backbone line of the Yangtze River Delta intercity railway network, and also a fast and direct passage for cities along the Yangtze River in the north to reach the Nanjing and Shanghai metropolitan areas. Within Chongming District, there will be Chongming Station established.The lines and stations are subject to the draft after the initial design approval, and the information in the diagram is only for illustration purposesIn addition to transportation planning and construction, the 10th China Flower Expo opened grandly in Chongming last year. The exhibition lasted for 43 days and attracted over 2.12 million visitors for sightseeing. The grand event showcased the charm of Chongming Island to the world and ushered in a significant opportunity to build a "Forest Flower Island on the Sea".Aerial view of the Flower ExpoIn the "Chongming 2035" plan, it is clearly stated that Chongming will be committed to building a "world-class ecological island" in the future, which also means that Chongming's future is not only for Shanghai, but also for the country and the world.Moreover, in terms of industry, projects such as the Smart Island Big Data Cloud Computing Center, 5G Smart Application Industrial Park, and Guangming Dongtanyuan International Exchange Center are gradually being implemented.The construction of key university projects such as the School of International Agriculture and Ecology at Shanghai Jiao Tong University, the Second Phase of Shanghai Foreign Studies Xianda College, and the Carbon Neutrality College at Tongji University is also accelerating the integration of industry and city development in Dongtan.Renderings of Shanghai Smart Island Data Industry ParkIt can be said that today's Chongming is no longer the same as before!This land has attracted many real estate companies and homebuyers to come and cultivate and purchase properties. Forward looking real estate companies such as Shangshi, China Merchants Shekou, Renheng, and Jinmao have all settled in Chongming. Last year, Chongming also triggered a new point system, proving that the market is optimistic about Chongming's future development and potential.I believe that with the dual benefits of planning radiation and real estate companies adding bricks and tiles, the overall development of Dongtan in the future will be completed, and the future value of living in Chongming will also be reformed accordingly!Residing on an ecological islandListening to the chirping of birds and the fragrance of flowers, gazing across the starry seaDreams are right in front of us, within reachShangshi · Hefengyuan Sales Office Phone: 400-886-2334 [Sales Office Phone]A new Chinese style courtyard with a building area of approximately 148-175 square metersSeize the opportunity!Shanghai Chongming Shangshi FengyuanSales office phone number: 400-886-2334 (appointment hotline)If you have any questions, please feel free to call us for consultation. Our professional one-on-one and enthusiastic service allows you to buy a house with a professional perspective.Shangshi Hefeng Yuan Sales Office Hotline: 400-886-2334 [Sales Hotline] Marketing Center Hotline: 400-886-2334 Sales Office Address: 400-886-2334. This phone number provides developers with online sales phone numbers, comprehensive introductions to real estate projects (including real estate details, latest house prices, layout plans, plot ratios, community supporting environment, real estate introduction, sales office location, layout plans, transportation planning, filing prices, project supporting facilities, real estate details, sales office phone numbers, latest news, latest details, latest developments, etc.)Disclaimer: The article content is sourced from the internet and is only for sharing. The copyright belongs to the original author!! If there is any infringement, please contact us and we will handle it as soon as possible!

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